Peter and Meghan’s Mass Moca Wedding

What a pleasure it was to capture and edit Meghan and Peter’s Wedding at Mass Moca. They’re vows were amazing, and all the touches they added to their wedding were incredible. I don’t want to spoil it, but Pete certainly has a way with words. Comparing your one true love with a waffle…well you’ll have to watch the video to find out what I am talking about.

Pete & Meghan kissing Moca Mass Meg & Pete Ceremony Mass Moca

I found out during their vows that the two are definitely into the arts and also into delicious food, so having their wedding in an art museum with catering by Mezze Catering & Events, just made perfect sense.

Meg & Pete First Look_Mass Moca Wedding Meg & Pete Mass Moca Art

Between Meghan arriving to her first look in a Chevy Camaro, a first look in front of an art exhibit, a live band, an old boiler room that was incredibly rustic, but so cool-looking, a ceremony held in a room with beautiful lights above…I just can’t pick what I like the most.

Mass Moca Pete and Meghan Bridal Party Cheering Boiler room Mass Moca

To be in the company of such a loving couple with such a spectacular group of family and friends is pretty amazing. I would also like to thank all the vendors that were involved in making this such a perfect wedding. The videos only turn out so good because of the help of all that are involved.


Here’s a shorter Wedding Trailer: